Common reasons for a student to be kept at home or reasons they will be sent home from school.
* Any child with a fever of 100 degrees F or higher * 3 or more bouts of diarrhea * Vomiting * Any headache, stomach ache, wound, cough or illness that is distracting them so much that they and/or others are distracted or are at risk of illness or injury.
If a child is sent home because of one of these reasons, they can return to school only after a period of 24 hours of being fever free without medication or after 24 hours of being vomit/diarrhea free.
In order for a child to be admitted to any public school, they must have certain vaccinations and immunizations as required by DHEC. Please review this document to verify that your child has the necessary immunizations for school attendance. If not, please call your child’s provider to ensure that those are scheduled before school begins. Please see our district health page for more information about required immunizations.
Over the counter medications require only a parent signature. All prescription medications require a physician’s signature as well as a parent signature. All orders are good for one school year - from August to May. New orders must be completed every school year. Any remaining medications must be picked up at the end of the year or they will be destroyed - we are not allowed to store medications over the summer. All medications must be brought to the nurse in their original bottle/container and must not be expired. Please ensure that the prescription label on the bottle matches the order form completed by your provider. Please use the following links to print the forms you need:
Chinese partial immersion is a means of acquiring Chinese through content matter instruction. In this program, students develop communicative and academic proficiency in Chinese while succeeding academically in all subject areas at levels comparable to those they would have reached if they had been schooled only in English. Beginning in 5-year-old Kindergarten, our elementary students in the partial-immersion program spend half the day studying the regular grade-level curriculum and standards in classes conducted in Chinese. The other half of the day is conducted in English. Mathematics and science are taught in Chinese. English language arts, social studies, and related arts are taught in English.
Click on the link below to find out more about our program
Breakfast and Lunch are served daily. Below is an online link for parents to apply for free/reduced meals. We urge all parents to complete this application
Regular cost for meals
Breakfast - $1.90/ day
Lunch - $3.40/ day
Reduced cost for meals
Breakfast - $ .30 / day
Lunch - $ .40 / day
*To add money to your child's lunch account or to fill out an application to apply for free & reduced lunches, please click on the link below.
Submit the completed form and payment to your cafeteria manager at least 3 days in advance of the celebration. Once your order form has been processed, we will send you an email with your order total.
**Please Note: Payments must be made prior to the order being filled. We will be unable to charge any celebration orders to lunch accounts with insufficient funds.***